Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Hi guys!
A little something about me: I'm a list maker. I love lists. I like my lists to be on paper (not on the computer - there is something about physically writing things down that is helpful to me).

I have lists at work and at home. I'm constantly adding to my lists. Every night before I leave work I write out a list of my work goals for the next day. There is always more on each list than I can feasibly get done in a day, but I'll highlight the critical ones and be sure those get done first. There is something so rewarding about crossing things off my work lists.

On the weekends, I create my "home" list for all the things I want to accomplish that day: laundry, bathrooms, floors, errands, etc. I rarely keep these home lists during the week because there is so much going on after work that I'm generally in survival mode. Today, however, I decided to make a list of today's home goals. Let me just say that it has been tremendously helpful! It's 7:30 and even though I didn't leave work until 5:30, I've already run two errands, cooked and eaten dinner, cleaned up from dinner, washed my tupperware from lunch, loaded the dishwasher and packed tomorrow's food. I'm taking a quick break to send some emails and write this blog, then I'm off to workout, do some laundry and head to bed. Just by writing down the day's goals for home, no matter how small they are, has kept me focused and on track. More importantly than that - seeing what I have to accomplish and knowing I have the time to do it, has kept me from getting stressed or feeling overwhelmed or unfocused. It makes the atmosphere at home positive and upbeat. That makes me feel good.

Oh - and here's a pic of dinner. Looks good, right? Steak and brussel sprouts! Yum!!

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