Monday, November 7, 2011

Missing in Action (inaction, really)

*Sheepishly* Hi guys.
It's been a while. Way too long, actually. Sorry 'bout that.
Why did I fall off the face of the earth? wasn't really off the face of the earth, it was really more like off the wagon. Yup, it's true.
We all  have reasons for falling off the wagon and the same is certainly true for me. In my mind, they're pretty good ones, but that's neither here nor there. Maybe I'll get into them at some point, but today's not that day.

At the risk of setting myself for ridicule and criticism, here's the deal - I'm heavier than ever and feel worse about myself than ever. Other than that, life is better than ever. Ha! Sounds sarcastic but it's actually true. Work is good, marriage is good, life is good. My weight and self esteem are not. Really, really, really not.

I don't really have a plan. Right now I don't even feel really hopeful. I feel desperate. But I'm telling myself just to put one foot in front of the other so this seemed like a doable first step. A major thanks to Marge and James for encouraging me to get back at it.

Sorry I've been gone so long - (most sorry for disappointing myself).
Stay tuned - the journey begins again today (even though I don't know what that means yet)