Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't Get Too Comfortable

I had my menu all planned out for the week but sometimes things don't go as expected. My husband and I ended up going out to dinner tonight - and I was nervous. I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to find a suitable option on the menu. I was nervous that I wasn't going to be able to resist the temptation to eat off my husband's plate or order a delicious appetizer.

And I'm not gonna lie. Once I got into that restaurant and started looking at that menu, I started thinking about the fried calamari, the french fries, the mashed potatoes. Wondering how much it would hurt - just once - I've been good all day....what's a cup of mashed potatoes? I started thinking about how many days of clean eating I have ahead before I check my weight and wondering if it would make an impact to cheat a little. All those old thoughts and habits started pouring through my head. What's one glass of wine?  I just can't get too comfortable. If I start to feel like I have this all figured out, I'll quickly get overtaken by those old, die-hard habits. If I start to rationalize and use the "this one little thing won't matter" mindset - I will fail.

But, I'm changing my life. I do that by one good decision after another. (I can't say that much for my sweet husband, who I adore, who got steak, french fries and a side of mashed potatoes!) I ordered pan seared scallops with broccoli rabe and asked that they keep the mashed potatoes in the kitchen. And I didn't feel cheated. Not at all. I didn't feel like it was a sacrifice.

After a good meal, I was tempted to go home and head to bed early (especially since I was up way too late last night) but instead I got in a really tough high-intensity interval workout. Now I feel like I've had my butt whipped and I hardly had the energy to write this blog tonight!

Love to you guys! I'm really glad to have people interested in my journey!


  1. Way to exercise self-control Elizabeth. You are so right that it's easy to look at how good we've been and "reward" ourselves but sometimes the "reward" isn't the best decision. Keep inspiring us!

  2. Way to go Elizabeth!! As Reagan and I started tls Shape Up, our coach, Vicki Whited, had a great idea for eating out. If you have enough warning, go online & search the menu. Don't open the menu when you get to the restaurant! Really helped us out a lot! We still do that even when going to a familiar restaurant. They add new items all the time! If you don't have enough warning, still don't look, everyone has grilled chicken or fish and salad or veggies.
    Congrats on your success!!!

  3. Thanks Chris! I really appreciate the encouragement - it really helps!

    Marge - great advice about not looking at the menu! I'll definitely do that from now on! Thanks!!
