Thursday, April 14, 2011

Habits of Successful People

So I read today that most people who achieve long-term success in weight loss tend to have a few things in common: they keep a food journal, monitor their weight, never skip breakfast and get an hour of exercise each day.

While I don't think that's a perfect list - certainly not a comprehensive one - it's not that bad. One thing that I started doing this week is journaling everything I eat. I know I should have been doing that all along, but regardless, I'm doing it now. So far, I find it really helpful. It definitely helps to keep me accountable for those spoonfuls of peanut butter or handfuls of popcorn that I might tend to "forget". In addition to journaling food, I'm also noting water intake, exercise, supplements and sleep. Here's a peak at today's journal page.
Dinner and workout aren't on there yet because it's still early!
Anyways, after reading that list, I started thinking about what other elements would/should probably be included - at least for me:
  • Having an accountability partner. Someone (or a group of people - say a public blog for the whole world to see?) who knows what you're trying to do and encourages you, while also holding you accountable.
  • Setting goals: Everyone has heard the saying "You can't hit a target you can't see", right? I like to know where I'm headed. It helps me to stay focused when I know exactly what I'm trying to achieve and what my goals are. My goals have to be very specific and measurable so I can easily tell if I'm making progress.
  • A meal plan: If I fail to prepare, I'm prepared to fail. I have to be diligent about packing my food at night. If I'm stuck without healthy choices I will eat anything if I get hungry enough. Each evening I get everything I need ready for all of my meals for the next day. Sometimes I really don't feel like it - I just want to relax and go to bed - but I force myself to do it. I also try to always keep a protein bar in my purse just in case I get stuck in a meeting or have to run errands after work.  
Those are just a few of my thoughts for the moment. Do you have any "must-do" tips for success?

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