Monday, May 9, 2011

Farmer's Market and Growing Your Own

I LOVE the farmer's market. And Greensboro has one of the best farmer's markets ever!! I could seriously go to their every day and never get tired of it. It makes healthy eating so much more affordable - and healthy! So many organic options - fresh fruits and veggies and most of them are local! Yesterday I got a big bucket of strawberries, several fresh heirloom tomatoes and a bunch of brussell sprouts! I'm trying to decide if I want to grill the brussel sprouts tonight or later in the week.

It totally made me wish I grew my own food. I was thinking about getting some plants but I tend to kill everything I try to grow. I'd love to do just tomatoes, basil and cilantro....definitely my three faves! Any advice out there for someone with a history of killing plants? I would be so stoked to successfully grow a few things this year.

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